A Java String is a class java.lang.String that represents an immutable sequence of UTF-16 encoded characters. And a character is 16bit value.

Note that in Java String is a class not a primitive.

the JVM(Java Virtual Machine) can optimize memory allocated by maintaining a single copy of each String literal in the String Pool memory area.

⚠️ a String instantiated using the new keyword is not interned

public class StringsExample {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // strings can contain emojis
    String s = "☕";
    // strings can be instantiated using ""
    String a = "hello";
    // or using the new keyword
    String b = new String("world");

    String c = b.intern();
    // strings can be concatenated using + operator
    String sentence = a + b + " " + s;
    // String length
    System.out.println("length: " + sentence.length());
 javac StringsExample.java
 java StringsExample
  • output
length: 12